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Showing posts from August, 2019

Nursing Question Answers

Question No. 1:-Corticosteroids are effective in the treatment of  A:-Cytotoxic edema  B:-Vasogenic edema  C:-Interstitial edema  D:-Osmotic edema  Correct Answer:- Option-B Question No. 2:-Normal bleeding time is : 1) 1 - 2 minutes 2) 1 - 4 minutes  3) 1 - 3 minutes 4) 1 - 5 minutes Question No. 3:-The enzyme used as a marker for alcohol abuse is  A:-Gamma glutamyl transferase  B:-Alanine aminotransferase  C:-Aspartate amino transferase  D:-Alkaline phosphatase  Correct Answer:- Option-A Question No. 4:-Who coined the term 'Schizophrenia'?  A:-Kraepelin  B:-Sander  C:-Bleuler  D:-Mayer Gross  Correct Answer:- Option-C Question No. 5:-All are vitamin K dependent factors EXCEPT  A:-Factor 2  B:-Factor 6  C:-Factor 7  D:-Factor 9  Correct Answer:- Option-B Question No. 6:-Which is NOT True of Bombay blood group?  A:-Lack of A, B, H antigen...

Railway Staff Nurses Recruitment Exam 2019 Question Paper

Railway Staff Nurses Recruitment Exam 2019 Question Paper Question Sl No. 26 to 50 Question No.26 Which is the largest serous membrane of the body? शरȣर कȧ सबसेबड़ȣ सीरम ǔझãली कौन सी है? (A) Peritoneum पेǐरटोिनयम (B) Submucosa सबàयूकोसा (C) Serosa सेरोसा (D) Mucosa àयूकोसा Question No.27 What is the bath used to remove the irritation of certain types of skin diseases and provide soothing effect? कुछ खास Ĥकार के×वचा रोगɉ कȧ जलन को दरूकरनेऔर सुखदायक Ĥभाव ĤाƯ करनेकेिलए Ǒकस èनान (bath) का उपयोग Ǒकया जाता है? (A) Bran Bath चोकर èनान (B) Hot Bath गरम èनान (C) Mud Bath कȧचड़ èनान (D) Sitz Bath िसÒज़ èनान Question No.28 What are the formal process for testing a hypothesis? एक पǐरकãपना केपरȣ¢ण केिलए औपचाǐरक ĤǑĐया Èया है? (A) Formulate, state, analyze and interpret सूğीकरण, कथन, ǒवƲषेण और åयाÉया (B) State, formulate, analyze and interpret कथन, सूğीकरण, ǒवƲेषण और åयाÉया (C) State, analyze, formulate and interpret कथन, ǒवƲषेण, सूğीकरण और åयाÉया (D) State, formul...

Railway Staff Nurse Exam Question Paper 2019

The Question Paper of Railway CBT Conducted for Staff Nurses Recruitment on 19,20, and 21st July 2019 is published on 05/08/2019 Question No.1  Which one of the following key points is NOT philosophies of administration? िनàनिलǔखत मɅसेकौन सेमुÉय ǒबंदुĤबंधन िसƨातंɉ मɅशािमल नहȣंहɇ? (A) Effective communication Ĥभावी संचार (B) Rewards and challenges (Chosen option) पुरèकार और चुनौितयाँ (C) Delegation of responsibility ǔज़àमेदारȣ सɋपना (D) Cost effectiveness Ǒकफ़ायती होना Question No.2 The primary granuloma formed in tuberculosis is known as टȣबी मɅबननेवालेĤाथिमक ĒÛेयुलोमा को _________ केनाम सेजाना जाता है। (A) Reid's Cells रȣÔस सेल (B) Caseous Focus (Chosen option) कैिसयस फोकस (Caseous Focus) (C) Ghon's Focus गॉन फोकस (Ghon's Focus ) (D) Goblet Cells गोबलेट सेल Question No.3 The Bhore committee aim that having a health centre to serve a population of about भोरेसिमित का लêय _________ आबादȣ कȧ सेवा केिलए एक èवाèØय कɅġ है। (A) 10000 to 20000 (Chosen op...