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Showing posts from February 26, 2012


1) Which of the following is not an indication that a skin lesion is a stage IV Pressure Ulcer a) Blistering* b) Sinus Tracts c) Tissue Necrosis d) Undermining 2) Who Established the Red Cross in the United States in 1882 a) Dorothia Dix b) Clara Barton c) Florence Nightingale d) Jane Addams 3) Nursing is a Sub culture of which of the following Large cultures in our Society? a) Health care Providers b) Organisations of Nurses c) Health care Systems d) Institutions 4) Which of the following examples of basic human needs would be considered within the socio cultural dimension? a) Fear b) Thinking c) Support System d) Circulation e) Feeling Loved by Others f) Housing