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Showing posts from September 29, 2019

TMC Staff Nurse Recruitment Exam Question Answers

1. Percentage of bilirubin production from old RBCs is: A. 20% B. 80% C. 100% D. 40% 2. Physical Signs indicative of poor nutrition are all, except A. Dental caries, mottled appearance (fluorosis), malpositioned B. Brittle, depigmented, easily plucked; thin and sparse hair C. Tongue - deep red in appearance; surface papillae present D. Spongy, bleed easily, marginal redness, recession gums E. Spoon-shaped, ridged, brittle nails 3. While a patient with ascites is recieveing albumin, the planned therpeutic effect will be greater if the nurse regulates the infusion to flow A. Slowly and restricts fluid intake B. Rapidly and withholds fluid intake C. Rapidly and encourages fluid intake D. Slowly and encourages liberal fluid intake 4. What is the priority nursing intervention for a patient during the immediate post-operative period? A. Observing for hemorrhage B. Maintaining a patent airway C. Recording the intake and output D. Checking the vital signs every ...