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Showing posts from June 21, 2015


RCC STAFF NURSE RECRUITMENT EXAM MODEL QUESTIONS published by / 1. A patient who has been depressed and complaining of feeling hopeless suddenly appears happier one morning and says that everything is okay now. A good nurses’ aide: a. congratulates the patient on getting better. b. watches more closely. c. voices concern to the rest of the staff. d. b. and c. 2. Which does not prevent or reduce odors A. Placing fresh flowers in the room B. Emptying bedpans promptly C. Using room deodorizers D. Practicing good personal hygiene 3. Which of the following is not true of blindness? a. Most legally blind or visually-impaired people have no sight at all. b. Diabetes is an important cause of blindness. c. Always identify yourself before touching a blind person. d. Ask if a blind person needs help before giving assistance. 4. Drainage bags from urinary catheters should always: a. be kept below the level of the bladde...


1. Insulin, a hormone, regulates: A. The rhythm of the heart B. The amount of salt retained in the blood C. The strength of the skeletal muscles D. The amount of sugar in the blood 2. Which of the following is a right of residents in a nursing facility? A. Smoking in their room B. Making as much noise as they want C. Refusing treatment ordered by the doctor D. To take all the drugs they want 3. When assisting a blind resident to walk it is important to: A. Hold the resident's elbow B. Stand slightly behind them C. Have him use a white cane D. Allow the resident to hold your arm 4. When caring for a confused resident what should a nursing assistant do? A. Give simple directions B. Give the patient activities C. Say nothing D. Allow the patient to plan daily activities 5. You are assigned to care for a new resident. You do not know what to call her. You should introduce yourself then: A. Call her by her first name B. Call her "dear" or ...


1.You are ill and cannot come to work., which is correct A. Call a coworker to report your illness B. Do not call anyone. You are sick and need your rest. C. Call your supervisor D. Call the administrator 2.Who decides how to style a resident's hair A. The resident B. The nurse C. The nursing assistant D. The family 3.A health care agency or program for persons who are dying is a. Case management b. Hospice c. Managed care d. A preferred provider organization 4.A restraint attached to the person's body and to a stationary object is a (an) A. chemical restraint B. Passive physical restraint C. Active physical restraint D. Full bed rail 5.The most important thing a nursing assistant can do to prevent the spread of disease is: A. Wear gloves and other PPE B. Get vaccinated for common illnesses C. Wash her hands D. Use lotions to reduce the risk of broken skin 6.Paralysis on one side of the body is called A. Hemiplegia B. Paraplegia C. Co...