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Showing posts from June 24, 2018

Staff Nurse Exam Question- AIIMS

1. The term new–born refer to (A) From birth to one month of child (B) From birth to one year of age (C) From birth to one week (D) None of these 2. Hypnosis is not effective in (A) Hyeteria (B) Anxiety disorder (C) Eating disorder (D) Phobia 3. Weight of the non–pregnant uterus is about (A) 30–40 gm (B) 60–80 gm (C) 80–100 gm (D) 1 kg 4. Atropine causes (A) Spasmolitic activity (B) Intestinal hyper motility (C) Stimulation of contraction in the gut (D) Stimulation of secretory activity 5. Best method for spacing is (A) Condom (B) Pessary (C) IUD (D) Tubectomy 6. The ovary is present (A) At birth (B) At puberty (C) After marriage (D) During pregnancy 7. Micro–organisms can thrive and reproduce is known as (A) Portal of entry (B) Portal of exit (C) Reservoir (D) Pathogenicity 8. Following are the major psychiatric emergencies, except : (A) Rape (B) Disaster (C) Suicide (D) Grief reaction 9. Intelligence is _______ ment...