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Showing posts from October 28, 2018

Nursing Question Answers- AIIMS

1. The 5-minute Apgar of a baby delivered by C-section is recorded as 9. The most likely reason for this score is: A. The mottled appearance of the trunk B. The presence of conjunctival hemorrhages C.Respiratory rate of 20–28 per minute D. Cyanosis of the hands and feet Answer: D. Cyanosis of the hands and feet 2. Which of the following symptoms is associated with exacerbation of multiple sclerosis? A. Nausea B. Diplopia C.  Seizures D. Insomnia Answer: B. Diplopia 3. A female child named Baby Pranjali is admitted with a diagnosis of delusions of GRANDEUR. This diagnosis reflects a belief that one is: A. Being Killed B.  Responsible for evil world C.Highly famous and important D. Connected to client unrelated to oneself Answer; C.Highly famous and important 4. A client  named Mr. John Aldives with a bowel resection and anastamosis returns to his room with an NG tube attached to intermittent suction. Which of the following observations ind...