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Showing posts from January 1, 2017


1. Which of the following hormones increases the force of contraction of the heart chambers? Aldosterone Luteinising hormone Somatostatin Thyroxine  Answer: Thyroxine 2. Which valve prevents the backwards flow of blood in to the left atrium? Mitral valve Aortic valve Pulmonary valve Tricuspid valve Answer: Mitral valve 3.What sort of space exists between the parietal and visceral pericardium? Absolute Virtual  Essential Virtuous Answer: Virtual 4. The ‘p’ wave on the electrocardiogram corresponds to: Ventricular depolarisation Atrial depolarisation Atrial repolarisation Ventricular repolarisation Answer: Atrial depolarisation 5. The Frank-Starling Law states: The greater the heart rate the higher the blood pressure. The amount of stretch the ventricle is subject to affects the force of contraction The amount of afterload affects the force of ventricular contraction Cardiac output equals stroke volume times heart...


1. Which of the following conditions is linked to more than 50% of clients with abdominal aortic aneurysms? a. DM b. Syphilis c. PVD d. HPN Answer: d. HPN 2:-Which of the following communicable disease is eradicated in our country ?  A:-Filariasis  B:-Poliomyelitis  C:-Tuberculosis  D:-Small pox Answer:-  D:-Small pox 3. Which of the following complications is of greatest concern when caring for a preoperative abdominal aneurysm client? a. HPN b. Aneurysm rupture c. Cardiac arrythmias