1. Mr. Sing has a massive GI bleed from a gastric ulcer. Following 12 units of packed cells and 4 units of fresh frozen plasma, he has the following labs: Hb 80 Platelets 82,000 INR 1.9 aPTT 58 and fibrinogen 0.4 g/L (normal 2-4 g/L). Which one of the following interventions is the priority? a. Potassium bolus b. Octoplex c. Cryoprecipitate d. Protamine sulphate 2. Ms. Tirani is on FiO2 0.5 PEEP 5 and PS 15. She has a total minute volume of 12 L and her RR has increased to 36 from 22. She is restless and agitated. Blood gases are: PaO2 69 PCO2 49 pH 7.36 HCO3 30 Which one of the following interventions is most appropriate? a. Increase her FiO2 b. Convert to AC c. Increase her Pressure Support d. Increase her sedation 3.. Calculate Cerebral Perfusion Pressure (CPP) based on the following data: HR 75 BP 120/80 (MAP 65) CVP 12 ICP 15 RR 25 Minute Volume 10.5 L/min a. 60 b. 50 c. 105 d. 52 4. Mrs. Butovsky develops sepsis due to an infecte...
Multiple Choice Nursing Question Answers