Question No. 1:-Which is the preferred method of opening the airway of an unconscious patient who may have suffered a neck injury? A:-Head tilt, chin lift B:-Chin lift C:-Jaw thrust D:-Extension of neck Correct Answer:- Option-C Question No. 2:-Disaccharidase deficiency is classified under which of the following major causes of malabsorption syndrome A:-Defective Intraluminal digestion B:-Lymphatic obstruction C:-Primary mucosal cell abnormalities D:-Reduced small intestinal surface area Correct Answer:- Option-C Question No. 3:-The enzyme used as a marker for alcohol abuse is A:-Gamma glutamyl transferase B:-Alanine aminotransferase C:-Aspartate amino transferase D:-Alkaline phosphatase Correct Answer:- Option-A Question No. 4:-Who coined the term 'Schizophrenia'? A:-Kraepelin B:-Sander C:-Bleuler D:-Mayer Gross Correct Answer:- Optio...
Multiple Choice Nursing Question Answers