1. A 62 yr old diabetic man comes to the physician for followup. He recently had diabetic screening tests, including urine microalbumin check, foot exam, and Hb A1c. Having failed oral therapy, diabetes is now well controlled with insulin. Lab values and foot exam are within normal range. During the man's annual eye exam three months ago, fundoscopy revealed diffuse, opaque white spots throughout the fundus, a few scattered hard exudates, and mu ltiple small microaneurysms. Visual exam is 20/20 OS and 20/25 OD. He denies floaters, diplopia, or blurred vision. Which of the following is the most likely cause of these findings? A. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy B. Macular edema C. Non proliferative diabetic retinopathy D. Age related ocular changes Answer: C. Non proliferative diabetic retinopathy 2.. A one and Half year old boy is diagnosed with a degenerative disease involving the basal ganglia. Further studies show less than ...
Multiple Choice Nursing Question Answers