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Showing posts from December 10, 2017

Nursing Questions with Answer- Dec 2017

Q. No. 1. Pseudo membraneous colitis is due to A. Tetenus toxins B. Clostridium difficile C. H.pylori D. E- Coli Q. No. 2. Which organ in the body always recieve the most percentage of blood(%cardiac output)flow?.(AIIMS,ME,BPSC ) A. Kidney B. Lung C. Brain D. Heart Answer: B.  Lung Q. No. 3. In adults, Normal endotracheal suction pressure? A. 40-90 mm of Hg B. 70-140 mm of Hg C. 130- 180 mm of Hg D. 180-320 mm of Hg Answer: B. 70-140 mm of Hg Q. No. 4.The stool guaiac test (gFOBT) for the detection of...? A. Piles B. Peptic ulcer C. Intestinal obstruction D. Colo-Rectol carcinoma Answer: D. Colo-Rectol carcinoma Q. No. 5.  A resident who is incontinent of urine has an increased risk of developing (prometric saudi2016) A. dementia. B. urinary tract infections. C. dehydration D. pressure sore Answer; Q. No. 6.  A resident is on a bladder retraining program. The nurse aide can expect the resident to A . Have a fluid intake restric...