DHA/ MOH EXAM QUESTIONS DHA /MOH Question No. 20151. Mr. Jockim underwent coronary bypass surgery. Four hours following admission to the critical care unit, his BP begins to fall, his HR rises to 130 and his urine output decreases to 35 ml/hr. His CVP increases to 22 and his PWP 18. The critical care nurse notifies the cardiovascular surgeon. Pending the surgeons arrival, which intervention is the priority? a. Milrinone b. Dobutamine c. Lasix d. Fluid DHA /MOH Question No. 20152. Mr. Swetty is admitted with hypoxemic and hypercarbic respiratory arrest requiring intubation and ventilation. He has a RLL consolidation on xray, with copious purulent secretions. WBC is 24,000 T 39.2. BP 88/55 HR 136 and CVP 18 after 6 L of 0.9% normal saline. Urine output is 10 ml/hr. Which one of the following interventions is a priority? a. Levophed b. Dopamine c. Dobutamine d. Labetolol DHA Questions Part 1 Question No 14511-14520 DHA /MOH Question No. 20153. When using a Passy-M...
Multiple Choice Nursing Question Answers