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Showing posts from March 8, 2020

Staff Nurse Exam Questions with Answer

41.                 Low apgar score at 1 and 5 minutes are reliable markers for Ans: need for resuscitation fo newborn 42.               Commonest causative organism of gas gangrene Ans: clostridium 43.               Hallmark finding in the ECG of acute MI include Ans: Elevating of ST segment in the leads overlying the area of infant 44.               The cardiac anomaly that produces a left to right shunt Ans: ASD 45.                The principal factor that causes vaginal PH to be acidic is Ans: the action of the doderlein bacillus 46.               Baby friendly hospital initiative is aimed at promoting Ans: breast feeding 47.                Which of the following is not a psychiatric emergency Ans: narco...

Staff Nurses Recruitment

South East Central Railway Invites applications for the post of Staff Nurse Post :Staff Nurse Vacancy :12 Age Limit : 20 to 40 years Pay Scale :Rs.44900/- Qualification : Certificate as Registered Nurse and Midwife having passed 3 years course in General Nursing and Midwifery from a school of Nursing or other / institution recognized by the Indian Nursing Council (OR) B.Sc (Nursing). Preference will be given to the candidates experienced in managing ICU cases on ventilators or Preference will be given to the candidates experienced in infected/isolated patients. Note :Candidates may apply in the prescribed format (Annexure-I) and send along with document required on or before 14.04.2020 on e-mail ID- Last date for submission of application : 14 April 2020 official notification