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Showing posts from May 13, 2012


The following are the common nursing interview written test questions, 1) Which one of the following drugs can be used for the oral treatment of Epilepsy a) Phenylbutazone b) Acepromazine c) Trimethropin Sulphonamide d) Phenobarbitone 2) Define Epistaxis a) Difficulty in swallowing b) Low Arterial Oxygen c) Bleeding from the nose d) Bleeding from gums 3) What is endocadiosis a) Infection of Umblicus b) Congenital Heart Defect c) Chronic degeneration of heart Muscle d) Chronic degeneration of heart valve 4) Cushing's syndrome may develop when the adrenal cortex; a) Decreases secretion of Aldosterone b) Decreases secretion of Cortisol c) Increases secretions of Cortisol d) Increases secretion of Aldosterone 5) Glycogen is stored in  a) Stomach b) Liver c) Brain d) Pancreas 6) An organism which transfers infection by being ingested is known as a; a) Vector b) Paratenic Host c) Transform Host d) Fomite