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Showing posts from January 15, 2017


1. Mrs. Bhavya Amin is on Coumadin for atrial fibrillation. She is admitted with ischemic bowel and requires urgent surgery. Her INR is 10.4 and aPTT 52. Which one of the following interventions is the priority? a. Protamine sulphate b. Octaplex c. Cryoprecipitate d. Vitamin K infusion 2.. Mr. Amal Mathew is awaiting a bed on the ward and is no longer on the bedside monitor. The nurse enters his room to assess him, and finds him cyanotic, apneic and pulseless. ECG leads are connected and reveal ventricular fibrillation. Which one of the following is the priority? a. Intubation and ventilation b. Compressions X 2 minutes at 100/minute c. Epinephrine 1 mg IV d. Defibrillation with 3 quick shocks NCLEX QUESTION ANSWERS 3. Mrs. Anu Jose becomes agitated and is at risk for self-exubation. Which one of the following interventions is the priority? a. Apply restraints b. Assess cause of agitation c. Increase dose of sedatives d. Have family sit with Mrs. Anu Jose 4. M...


DHA Exam Question 16121. Calculate Cerebral Perfusion Pressure (CPP) based on the following data: HR 75 BP 120/80 (MAP 65) CVP 12 ICP 15 RR 25 Minute Volume 10.5 L/min a. 60 b. 50 c. 105 d. 52 DHA Questions Part 1 Question No 14511-14520 DHA Exam Question 16122. Mr. Alberta is declared neurologically dead and his family consents to organ donation. Which one of the following interventions is the priority? a. Antibiotics, vasopressin and intensive insulin b. Vasopressin, methylprednisolone (Solumedrol) and levothyroxine c. Desmopressin (DDAVP), Epinephrine and dexamethasone (Decadron) d. Antibiotics, Immunoglobulin and Vasopressin DHA Exam Question 16123. Mr. Smith is admitted with pulmonary edema requiring intubation. His cardiac troponin and CK increase 5 fold, 2 hours after admission and he develops ST segment depression in his lateral leads. He has a history of diabetes, COPD and renal insufficiency. Which one of the following interventions is the prior...