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Showing posts from March 27, 2016


B.SC NURSE RECRUITMENT EXAM QUESTIONS PUBLISHED WITH ANSWERS. The B.Sc Nurses Recritment takes place daily for many Companies and Government and Private Hospitals. Many candidates will be recruited on the basis of marks secured by the candidates in written exam or computerised test. here we publihed model questions for B.Sc Nurses Recruitment in Hospitals. these questions are asked in ESIC, RRB and AIIMS like institutions Recruitment Examinations 1. Blood bourne infections include: a. shingles b. pneumonia  “Stop crying.” d. urinary tract infection Answer:  “Stop crying.” 2. Which of the following is not true of blindness? a. Always identify yourself before touching a blind person. b. Diabetes is an important cause of blindness. c.  Most legally blind or visually-impaired people have no sight at all. d. Ask if a blind person needs help before giving assistance. Answer: c.  Most legally blind or visually-impaired people have no sight at all. ...