MOH EXAM QUESTIONS 1. Mr. Albu Ainstin is a 66 year old man who had an intraventricular hemorrhage. He has an external ventricular drain (EVD) that is open to drainage at 5 cmH20 above the reference level. It has been draining ~20 ml per hour for the past 24 hours. The waveform suddenly becomes dampened with a pressure reading of 8 mmHg, and there has been no CSF drainage during the past hour. How should these findings be interpreted? a. Lack of drainage is an expected finding b. Clotting of the catheter should be suspected c. The hydrocephalus has resolved d. The drainage chamber should be raised 2. Mr. Mohammed Iqbal had an ischemic bowel requiring urgent total colectomy and ileostomy and TPN. One week following admission to ICU, his Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) and his Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) double, and his alkaline phosphatase and direct bilirubin increase 4 fold. His lipase and pancreatic amylase are mildly elevated and his ammonia is normal. These ...
Multiple Choice Nursing Question Answers