1. The client is admitted to the unit after a motor vehicle accident with a temperature of 102°F rectally. The nurse is aware that the most likely explanation for the elevated temperature is: ❍ A. There was damage to the hypothalamus. ❍ B. He has an infection from the abrasions to the head and face. ❍ C. He will require a cooling blanket to decrease the temperature. ❍ D. There was damage to the frontal lobe of the brain. Answer A is correct. Damage to the hypothalamus can result in an elevated temperature because this portion of the brain helps to regulate body temperature. Answers B, C, and D are incorrect because there is no data to support the possibility of an infection, a cooling blanket might not be required, and the frontal lobe is not responsible for regulation of the body temperature. 2. The nurse is evaluating the client’s pulmonary artery pressure. The nurse is aware that this test will evaluate: ❍ A. Pressure in the left ventricle ❍ B. The systolic, diastolic, ...
Multiple Choice Nursing Question Answers