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Showing posts from June, 2017


Question # 1. Which of the following represents a category of viruses? A. File Infectors B. Macro viruses C. Boot record infectors D. All of the above Question #2. You must instruct the ____________________ to start the application software. A. operating system B. memory C. utility program D. processor Question #3. Mc Afee is an example of common___________________ software. A. coffee B. antivirus C. firewall D. none of the above Question #4. Input may be in the following forms: A. OCR, MICR and CPU B. VGA, SVGA and XVGA C. OCR, MICR and OMR D. OMR, VGA and OCR Question #5. HTML stands for: A. Hyper Text Make up Language B. Higher Text Mark up Language


B.SC NURSING STAFF NURSE RECRUITMENT QUESTIONS WITH ANSWER The Question Answers of Staff Nurse Recruitment (B.Sc Nursing) Exam conducted by KEA is published here. 1. Which of the following IV fluids is prescribed to increase intravascular volume, replace immediate blood loss volume and increase blood pressure?  (A) 5% dextrose in lactated Ringers Solution 2. Umbilical cord consists of  (B) 2 arteries and 1 vein 3. Phases of counselling does not include  (C) Imagination 4. When performing chest compressions on an adult in CPR, the sternum should be depressed for at least  (C) 1½ to 2 inches 5. Peg cells are seen in  (D) Fallopian tubes 6. Fear of crowded or closed in spaces  (GRACE MARK AWARDED) 7. Soiled waste can be disposed by which method ?  (A) Incineration 8. What is the normal score in Mini Mental status examination?  (A) 25–30 9. The reason for urbanization is  (D) Industrialization 10. Which is the most appropriat...


Question #1. Mr. Veldman is admitted with decreased level of consciousness. His admission labs are: Blood glucose 56 mmol/L, Na 149 K 4.8 Cl 105 HCO3 22, ABGs PaO2 72 PCO2 45 pH 7.39 HCO3 23. Which one of the problems is indicated by these findings? a. Diabetic ketoacidosis b. Glucagon overdose c. Non-ketotic hyperosmolar coma d. Adrenal crisis Question #2. Ms. Saundarya is admitted with coma. She has a BP of 158/75 HR 52 (sinus) and requires intubation for level of consciousness and pulmonary edema. Her temperature is 34 (oral). Which of the following lab tests is the priority? a. TSH, T3, T4 b. Serum and urine osmolalities c. Cosyntropinin stimulation test d. Serum renin and angiotensin levels Question #3. Mrs. Sunitha has been on steroids for the past 6 years to treat severe rheumatoid arthritis. Which one of the following problems would you anticipate? a. Hypercalcemia b. Hyperkalemia c. Hyperlipidemia d. Hypoglycemia Question #4 . Which one of the following fac...