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Community Health Nurses Recruitment Exam Questions with Answer

Question # 1:-Which is the vaccine that should not be given to the baby of HIV positive mother  A:-Rubella  B:-Hepatitis B  C:-DPT  D:-BCG  Correct Answer:- Option-D Question # 2. Essential characteristic of delirium is: a. Alert b. Clouded state of consciousness c. Convulsion d. Hyper alert Question # 3:-The first pill of oral contraceptives starts on which day after starting of menstruation  A:-1st day  B:-3rd day  C:-5th day  D:-7th day  Correct Answer:- Option-C Nursing Question Answers Question # 4. Stem Stature index at birth is: a. 60 b. 70 c. 80 d. 50   Question # 5:-Which infection in early intrauterine period causes miscarriage?  A:-Measles  B:-Varicella Zoster  C:-Rubella  D:-Toxoplasmosis  Correct Answer:- Option-D Question # 6. Increase in in the size or mass of the tissue is : a. Growth b. Maturation c. Development d. Progress of skill Questi...

Staff Nurse Exam Questions

1.A task in your job description, which statement is false A. The RN must always delegate every task to you B. The RN delegates the task to you if the person's circumstances are right. C. The RN must make sure you have the necessary education and training D. You must have clear directions before you perform the task. 2.Death of a partner results in the loss of a A. Friend B. Lover C. Companion D. All of the above 3. An infection acquired after admission to a health care facility or agency is called A. Communicable disease B. Nosocomial infection C. Non pathogen D. Hepatitis infection 4. These statements are about recording, which is false A. Use the person's exact words when possible B. Record only what you observed and did yourself C. Do not skip lines D. To save time, chart a. procedure before completing it 5. A mask prevent the spread of microbes from A. The GI tract B. The skin C. The respiratory tract D. All of the above 6.The values a...

Answers for the Nursing Questions

The Following are the Answers for Nursing Question Published at on 12/12/2019- Click here to view the Questions 1. Which of the follow ing disease is characterized by muscular rigidity locked jaw. risus sardonicus and opisthotonus : Answer: c. Tetanus 2. All are malignant tumour of the skin except Answer:d. Papilloma 3. Which of the following diseases is not transmitted by blood transfusion? Answer:b. Creutz feldt Jacob disease 4. In which of the following conditions, intercostals tube insertion is needed? Answer: a. Pneumonia 5. Which of the following drug is not used in management of shock? Answer: a. Sildenafil Click here for  More Nursing Question Answers

Nursing Questions

1) Elements of primary health care a) Promotion of food supply & proper nutrition b) Adequate supply of safe water & sanitation c) Maternal and child health care d) All the above 2) Example for second class lever a) Scissors b) Trolley c) O2 tank carrier d) None of the above 3) Radio active cobalt is used a) For surgery b) For Drug c) Locally treating d) None of the above 4) SOS means a) Once a day b) 4 times a day c) If necessary d) At night 5) Basic Principles of fundamentals of nursing a) Cleaning b) Disinfection c) Sterilization d) All the above 6) The technique is used to open O2 cylinder a) Clock wise b) Anti clock wise c) Upwards d) Downwords

Nursing Questions with Answer- AIIMS Recruitment Exam

1- All the following are Patient’s responsibilities, except a) Providing information b) Complying with instructions c) Give different kind of care d) Following hospital rules and regulations 2- Objective data might include: a) Chest pain. b) Complaint of dizziness. C) An evaluation of blood pressure. d) None of the above 3-Changes that occur in musculoskeletal system due to immobility a) decrease muscle endurance ,strength and mass b) Change in calcium metabolism with hyper calcium result in renal calculi c) Alteration in calcium,fluid and electrolyte d) Non of the above 4- All the following are indicative physical signs of poor nutrition are all, except a) Dental caries, mottled appearance (fluorosis), malpositioned b) Brittle, depigmented, easily plucked; thin and sparse hair  c) Tongue - deep red in appearance; surface papillae present d) Spongy, bleed easily, marginal redness, recession gums 5- Development of an infection occurs in a cycle that depends...

Railway Staff Nurse Exam Questions with answer

Question No. 1 William Crookes was a physical chemist who discovered and named the element ________. 1. plutonium 2. germanium 3. beryllium 4. thallium Answer:  4. thallium Question No. 2. The towel bath is administered by the specialist when a patient is sick or confined to: a. The hospital room. b. Bed. c. Ward. d. The general hospital area. Answer:  b. Bed. Question No. 3.Peripheral sinonasal T-cell lymphoma is known as  A:-Stewart's granuloma  B:-Wegners granuloma  C:-Ringerts tumor  D:-None of the above Answer:   A:-Stewart's granuloma Question No. 4. _________ received the very first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 for his discovery of X-rays. 1. Wilhelm Röntgen 2. William Thomson 3. William Crookes 4. Louis Pasteur Answer:  1. Wilhelm Röntgen Question No. 5. The following statements in relation to right ventricular myocardial infarctionare correct except: (a) It may occur along with inferior ...

PGIMER Nurses Recruitment Exam Questions with Answer

PGIMER Nurses Recruitment Exam Questions with Answers published here by admins, the questions are most frequently asked in many other Nurses Recruitment Examinations. The Answers for the below questions provided immediately below each questions. 1 . When counting the apical pulse during the physical assessment, it is the most accepted practice for the nurse to count the apical pulse in which of the following ways? A. for 15 seconds and multiply by four B. for 30 seconds and multiply by two C. for one minute, checking radial pulse at the same time D. for one full minute Ans: D 2:-Munson's sign is seen in A:-Morgagnian cataract B:-Keratoconus C:-Endophthalmitis D:-Trachoma Correct Answer:- Option-B 3 . When teaching someone about endocrine glands, which of the following statements could you use? A. "The endocrine glands include sweat and sebaceous glands." B. "Endocrine glands all have at least one duct." C. ...

TMC Staff Nurse Recruitment Exam Question Answers

1. Percentage of bilirubin production from old RBCs is: A. 20% B. 80% C. 100% D. 40% 2. Physical Signs indicative of poor nutrition are all, except A. Dental caries, mottled appearance (fluorosis), malpositioned B. Brittle, depigmented, easily plucked; thin and sparse hair C. Tongue - deep red in appearance; surface papillae present D. Spongy, bleed easily, marginal redness, recession gums E. Spoon-shaped, ridged, brittle nails 3. While a patient with ascites is recieveing albumin, the planned therpeutic effect will be greater if the nurse regulates the infusion to flow A. Slowly and restricts fluid intake B. Rapidly and withholds fluid intake C. Rapidly and encourages fluid intake D. Slowly and encourages liberal fluid intake 4. What is the priority nursing intervention for a patient during the immediate post-operative period? A. Observing for hemorrhage B. Maintaining a patent airway C. Recording the intake and output D. Checking the vital signs every ...

Goa Medical College Staff Nurse Exam Question Answers

The Following Nursing Question Answers published here to prepare for upcoming Goa Medical College Staff Nurse Recruitment Exam. Answers for all the follow 1. A woman in labor is receiving an antibiotic. She suddenly complains of trouble breathing, weakness and nausea. The nurse should recognize that these signs are usually indicative of impending: A. Pulmonary egophony. B. Amniotic fluid embolism. C. Anaphylaxis. D. Bronchospasm. 2. What is the term used for a high-pitched musical sound in clients during a respiratory assessment? A. Crowing B. Wheezing C. Stridor D. Sigh 3. "The goal of nursing is to put the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon him”. This was stated by A. Henderson B. Jean Watson C. Marta Rogers D. Florence Nightingale 4. "Nursing is the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to health and illness”. This definition was given by A. American Nurses Association (ANA), 1995 B. International Council of Nurses C. Flo...

Nursing Question Answers

Question No. 1:-Corticosteroids are effective in the treatment of  A:-Cytotoxic edema  B:-Vasogenic edema  C:-Interstitial edema  D:-Osmotic edema  Correct Answer:- Option-B Question No. 2:-Normal bleeding time is : 1) 1 - 2 minutes 2) 1 - 4 minutes  3) 1 - 3 minutes 4) 1 - 5 minutes Question No. 3:-The enzyme used as a marker for alcohol abuse is  A:-Gamma glutamyl transferase  B:-Alanine aminotransferase  C:-Aspartate amino transferase  D:-Alkaline phosphatase  Correct Answer:- Option-A Question No. 4:-Who coined the term 'Schizophrenia'?  A:-Kraepelin  B:-Sander  C:-Bleuler  D:-Mayer Gross  Correct Answer:- Option-C Question No. 5:-All are vitamin K dependent factors EXCEPT  A:-Factor 2  B:-Factor 6  C:-Factor 7  D:-Factor 9  Correct Answer:- Option-B Question No. 6:-Which is NOT True of Bombay blood group?  A:-Lack of A, B, H antigen...

Railway Staff Nurses Recruitment Exam 2019 Question Paper

Railway Staff Nurses Recruitment Exam 2019 Question Paper Question Sl No. 26 to 50 Question No.26 Which is the largest serous membrane of the body? शरȣर कȧ सबसेबड़ȣ सीरम ǔझãली कौन सी है? (A) Peritoneum पेǐरटोिनयम (B) Submucosa सबàयूकोसा (C) Serosa सेरोसा (D) Mucosa àयूकोसा Question No.27 What is the bath used to remove the irritation of certain types of skin diseases and provide soothing effect? कुछ खास Ĥकार के×वचा रोगɉ कȧ जलन को दरूकरनेऔर सुखदायक Ĥभाव ĤाƯ करनेकेिलए Ǒकस èनान (bath) का उपयोग Ǒकया जाता है? (A) Bran Bath चोकर èनान (B) Hot Bath गरम èनान (C) Mud Bath कȧचड़ èनान (D) Sitz Bath िसÒज़ èनान Question No.28 What are the formal process for testing a hypothesis? एक पǐरकãपना केपरȣ¢ण केिलए औपचाǐरक ĤǑĐया Èया है? (A) Formulate, state, analyze and interpret सूğीकरण, कथन, ǒवƲषेण और åयाÉया (B) State, formulate, analyze and interpret कथन, सूğीकरण, ǒवƲेषण और åयाÉया (C) State, analyze, formulate and interpret कथन, ǒवƲषेण, सूğीकरण और åयाÉया (D) State, formul...

Railway Staff Nurse Exam Question Paper 2019

The Question Paper of Railway CBT Conducted for Staff Nurses Recruitment on 19,20, and 21st July 2019 is published on 05/08/2019 Question No.1  Which one of the following key points is NOT philosophies of administration? िनàनिलǔखत मɅसेकौन सेमुÉय ǒबंदुĤबंधन िसƨातंɉ मɅशािमल नहȣंहɇ? (A) Effective communication Ĥभावी संचार (B) Rewards and challenges (Chosen option) पुरèकार और चुनौितयाँ (C) Delegation of responsibility ǔज़àमेदारȣ सɋपना (D) Cost effectiveness Ǒकफ़ायती होना Question No.2 The primary granuloma formed in tuberculosis is known as टȣबी मɅबननेवालेĤाथिमक ĒÛेयुलोमा को _________ केनाम सेजाना जाता है। (A) Reid's Cells रȣÔस सेल (B) Caseous Focus (Chosen option) कैिसयस फोकस (Caseous Focus) (C) Ghon's Focus गॉन फोकस (Ghon's Focus ) (D) Goblet Cells गोबलेट सेल Question No.3 The Bhore committee aim that having a health centre to serve a population of about भोरेसिमित का लêय _________ आबादȣ कȧ सेवा केिलए एक èवाèØय कɅġ है। (A) 10000 to 20000 (Chosen op...

AIIMS Staff Nurses Recruitment Exam Questions with Answer

Question No. 1. You are caring for a client who has just returned from surgery and has received intravenous morphine minutes before leaving the recovery room. You need to assess the client's pain now and again at which of the following times? A. in 20 to 30 minutes B. in one hour C. in two hours D. in 3 to 4 hours Ans: A Question No. 2. You need to remove the artificial eye of a client, and you need to clean it. Which of the following methods is recommended for removal? A. Put pressure on either side of the eye and pop it out. B. Apply pressure directly above the eye. C. Apply pressure directly to the eye with a small rubber bulb. D. Apply pressure with a rubber bulb to lower half of the eye. Ans: C Question No. 3. When weighing a client daily, you will most need to weigh the client at which of the following times? A. when most rested B. at the same time each day C. after the shower or bath D. when higher priorities are completed Ans:...

Railway Staff Nurse Exam Question Answers

1. The nurse finds that a newborn has a mean systolic pressure of 75 mmHg. How would this blood pressure be best described? A. Normal B. slightly low C. very low D. slightly high Ans: A 2. You are cleaning a client's partial dentures, which have a metal clasp. Which of the following actions are best on your part? A. Place a washcloth in the sink where you are cleaning. B. Remove the partial dentures by the metal clasp. C. Use hot water to rinse the dentures after cleaning. D. Soak the partial plate with the metal clasp overnight. Ans: A 3 . You highly suspect that your assigned client has abdominal distention. You most need to do and chart which of the following things? A. Have another nurse verify your suspicions. B. Measure the abdominal girth at the umbilicus. C. Measure abdominal girth at the most distended level. D. Ask the client if they are distended. Ans: C 4 . The skeletal system acts as a storehouse for calcium, wh...

RRB Staff CBT Question Answers

Q. No. 1 . In Hildegard Peplau's Interpersonal Relations Model, the focus is on which of the following? A. individual B. community C. larger society D. Family Ans: A Q. No. 2. Your assigned client seems to be getting a lot of attention from his mother when he complains of pain. The mother may be encouraging which of the following types of gains? A. primary gains B. secondary gains C. narcissistic gains D. egocentric gains Ans: B Q. No. 3. The nurse wants to check the popliteal pulse. This pulse can be better palpated if the nurse does which of the following things? A. Ask the client to extend the knee. B. Have the client flex the knee. C. Press lightly on the right side of the front of the knee. D. Palpate more deeply than for other pulses. Ans: B Q. No. 4. You are preparing to bathe and wash the hair of an African American woman. Which of the following questions would be most important to ask the client? A. "Will you ple...