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Showing posts from December, 2019

Community Health Nurses Recruitment Exam Questions with Answer

Question # 1:-Which is the vaccine that should not be given to the baby of HIV positive mother  A:-Rubella  B:-Hepatitis B  C:-DPT  D:-BCG  Correct Answer:- Option-D Question # 2. Essential characteristic of delirium is: a. Alert b. Clouded state of consciousness c. Convulsion d. Hyper alert Question # 3:-The first pill of oral contraceptives starts on which day after starting of menstruation  A:-1st day  B:-3rd day  C:-5th day  D:-7th day  Correct Answer:- Option-C Nursing Question Answers Question # 4. Stem Stature index at birth is: a. 60 b. 70 c. 80 d. 50   Question # 5:-Which infection in early intrauterine period causes miscarriage?  A:-Measles  B:-Varicella Zoster  C:-Rubella  D:-Toxoplasmosis  Correct Answer:- Option-D Question # 6. Increase in in the size or mass of the tissue is : a. Growth b. Maturation c. Development d. Progress of skill Questi...

Staff Nurse Exam Questions

1.A task in your job description, which statement is false A. The RN must always delegate every task to you B. The RN delegates the task to you if the person's circumstances are right. C. The RN must make sure you have the necessary education and training D. You must have clear directions before you perform the task. 2.Death of a partner results in the loss of a A. Friend B. Lover C. Companion D. All of the above 3. An infection acquired after admission to a health care facility or agency is called A. Communicable disease B. Nosocomial infection C. Non pathogen D. Hepatitis infection 4. These statements are about recording, which is false A. Use the person's exact words when possible B. Record only what you observed and did yourself C. Do not skip lines D. To save time, chart a. procedure before completing it 5. A mask prevent the spread of microbes from A. The GI tract B. The skin C. The respiratory tract D. All of the above 6.The values a...

Answers for the Nursing Questions

The Following are the Answers for Nursing Question Published at on 12/12/2019- Click here to view the Questions 1. Which of the follow ing disease is characterized by muscular rigidity locked jaw. risus sardonicus and opisthotonus : Answer: c. Tetanus 2. All are malignant tumour of the skin except Answer:d. Papilloma 3. Which of the following diseases is not transmitted by blood transfusion? Answer:b. Creutz feldt Jacob disease 4. In which of the following conditions, intercostals tube insertion is needed? Answer: a. Pneumonia 5. Which of the following drug is not used in management of shock? Answer: a. Sildenafil Click here for  More Nursing Question Answers

Nursing Questions

1) Elements of primary health care a) Promotion of food supply & proper nutrition b) Adequate supply of safe water & sanitation c) Maternal and child health care d) All the above 2) Example for second class lever a) Scissors b) Trolley c) O2 tank carrier d) None of the above 3) Radio active cobalt is used a) For surgery b) For Drug c) Locally treating d) None of the above 4) SOS means a) Once a day b) 4 times a day c) If necessary d) At night 5) Basic Principles of fundamentals of nursing a) Cleaning b) Disinfection c) Sterilization d) All the above 6) The technique is used to open O2 cylinder a) Clock wise b) Anti clock wise c) Upwards d) Downwords