Question No. 1. A client has been receiving cyanocobalamine (B12) injections forthe past 6 weeks. Which laboratory finding indicates that the medication is having the desired effect? ❍ A. Neutrophil count of 60% ❍ B. Basophil count of 0.5% ❍ C. Monocyte count of 2% ❍ D. Reticulocyte count of 1% Find the Answer for this Question at the bottom of this post Question No. 2. During the change of shift, the oncoming nurse notes a discrepancy in the number of Percocet (Oxycodone) listed and the number present in the narcotic drawer. The nurse’s first action should be to: ❍ A. Notify the hospital pharmacist ❍ B. Notify the nursing supervisor ❍ C. Notify the Board of Nursing ❍ D. Notify the director of nursing Find the Answer for this Question at the bottom of this post Question No. 3. The physician has ordered a culture for the client with suspected gonorrhea. The nurse should obtain which type of culture? ❍ A. Blood ❍ B. Nasopharyngeal secretions ❍ C. Stool ❍ D. Genital ...
Multiple Choice Nursing Question Answers