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50 Staff Nurse Exam Questions- AIIMS

1. Which is not a cause of postural hypotension?
A. the time of day
B. lack of exercise  
C. temperature
D. recent food intake

2. Which is not an expected side effect of lumbar tap?
A. Headache
B. Back pain  
C. Swelling and bruising
D. Nausea and vomiting

3. A client was diagnosed to have infection. What is not a sign or symptom of infection?
A. A temperature of more than 38°C
B. Chills and sweats
C. warm skin
D. Aching muscles

4. You noticed that a colleague committed a medication administration error. Which should be done in this situation?
A. You should provide a written statement and also complete a Trust incident form.
B. You should inform the doctor.
C. You should report this immediately to the nurse in charge.
D. You should inform the patient.

8. A patient on your ward complains that her heart is ‘racing’ and you find that the pulse is too fast to the manually palpate. What would your actions be?
A. Shout for help and run to collect the crash trolley.
B. patient to calm down and check her most recent set of bloods and fluid balance.
C. A full set of observations: blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation and temperature. It is essential to perform a 12 lead ECG. The patient should then be reviewed by the doctor.
D. Check baseline observations and refer to the cardiology team.

9. When do you see problems or potential problems?
A. Assessment
B. Planning  
C. Implementation
D. Evaluation

10. A COPD patient is about to be discharged from the hospital. What is the best health teaching to provide this patient?
A. Increase fluid intake
C. Quit smoking
B. Do not use home oxygen
D. nebulize as needed

11. A patient is to be subjected for surgery but the patient’s BMI is low. Where will you refer the patient?
A. Speech and Language Therapist
C. Chef
B. Dietitian
D. Family member

12. All of the staff nurses on duty noticed that a newly hired staff nurse has been selective of her tasks. All of them thought that she has a limited knowledge of the procedures. What should the manager do in this situation?
A. Reprimand the new staff nurse in front of everyone that what she is doing is unacceptable.
B. Call the new nurse and talk to her privately; ask how the manager can be of help to improve her situation.
C. Ignore the incident and just continue with what she was doing.
D. Assign someone to guide the new staff nurse until she is competent in doing her tasks.

13. One busy day on your shift, a manager told you that all washes should be done by 10am. What would you do?
A. Follow the manager and ensure that everything is done on time.
B. Talk to the manager and tell her that the quality of care will be compromised if washes are rushed.
C. Ignore the manager and just continue with what you are doing.
D. Provide a written statement of the incident.

14. What do you have to consider if you are obtaining a consent from the patient?
A. Understanding
B. Capacity  
C. Intellect  
D. Patient’s condition

15. A nurse documented on the wrong chart. What should the nurse do?
A. Immediately inform the nurse in charge and tell her to cross it all off.
B. Throw away the page
C. Write line above the writing; put your name, job title, date, and time.
D. Ignore the incident.

16. A patient is in the immediate recovery post-surgery. What should you monitor?
A. Breathing B. Temperature C. Blood loss D. Pain

17. You have a DM patient who is non-insulin dependent. How many portions of fruits and vegetables will you administer per day?
A. 3 portions
B. 4 portions
C. 5 portions
D. 6 portions

18. A newly qualified nurse is not yet well versed when it comes to documentation. A nurse-in-charge noticed that this is the case and went to report the new nurse to their manager. What could the newly qualified nurse have done in order to prevent this incident?
A. Ignore the report and just continue with what she was doing.
B. She could have told the manager beforehand in order to have a support and additional training.
C. Apologize that she was not able to inform her immediate head beforehand.
D. Ask for the policies of the hospital in relation to documentation.

19. What ABG readings will you expect among COPD patients?
A. Increased PCO2, decreased PO2
C. Increased PCO2 & PO2
B. Decreased PCO2 & PO2
D. Decreased PCO2, increased PO2

20. A patient was brought to the A&E and manifested several symptoms: loss of intellect and memory; change in personality; loss of balance and co-ordination; slurred speech; vision problems and blindness; and abnormal jerking movements. Upon laboratory tests, the patient got tested positive for prions. Which disease is the patient possibly having?
A. Acute Gastroenteritis C. HIV/AIDS
B. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease D. Hepatitis

21. All are risk factors of Coronary Artery Disease except:
A. Obesity
B. Smoking
C. High Blood Pressure
D. Female

22. When would it be beneficial to use a wound care plan?
A. On all chronic wounds
B. On all complex wounds
C. On all infected wounds
D. On every wound

24. How do you value dignity & respect in nursing care? Select which does not apply:
A. We value every patient, their families or carers, or staff.
B. We respect their aspirations and commitments in life, and seek to understand their priorities, needs, abilities and limits.
C. We find time for patients, their families and carers, as well as those we work with.
D. We are honest and open about our point of view and what we can and cannot do.

25. When dealing with a patient who has a biohazard specimen, how will you ensure proper disposal? Select which does not apply:
A. the specimen must be labelled with a biohazard
B. the specimen must be labelled with danger of infection
C. it must be in a double self-sealing bag
D. it must be transported to the laboratory in a secure box with a fastenable lid

26. For which of the following modes of transmission is good hand hygiene a key preventative measure? A. Airborne
B. Direct Contact
C. Droplet
D. All of the above

27. What may not be cause of diarrheoa?
A. colitis
B. intestinal obstruction
C. food allergy
D. food poisoning

28. What is the most definitive sign/complication 24 hours after liver biopsy?
A. intraperitoneal haemorrhage C. biliary peritonitis
B. infection D. referred pain

29. UK policy for needle prick injury inclues all but one:
A. Encourage the wound to bleed
B. Suck the wound
C. Wash the wound using running water and plenty of soap
D. Don’t scrub the wound while washing it

30. The following fruits can be eaten by a person with Crohn’s Disease except:
A. Mango
B. Papaya
C. Strawberries
D. Cantaloupe

31. A patient was recommended to undergo lumbar puncture. As the nurse caring for this patient, what should you not expect as its complications:
A. Swelling and bruising B. Headache C. Back pain D. Infection

32. Mrs Jones has had a cerebral vascular accident, so her left leg is increased in tone, very stiff and difficult to position comfortably when she is in bed. What would you do?
A. Give Mrs Jones analgesia and suggest she sleeps in the chair.
B. Try to diminish increased tone by avoiding extra stimulation by ensuring her foot doesn’t come into contact with the end of the bed; supporting, with a pillow, her left leg in side lying and keeping the knee flexed.
C. Give Mrs Jones diazepam and tilt the bed.
D. Suggest a warm bath before she lies on the bed. Then use pillows to support the stiff limb.

33. A patient is agitated and is unable to settle. She is also finding it difficult to sleep, reporting that she is in pain. What would you do at this point?
A. Ask her to score her pain, describe its intensity, duration, the site, any relieving measures and what makes it worse, looking for non-verbal clues, so you can determine the appropriate method of pain management.
B. Give her some sedatives so she goes to sleep.
C. Calculate a pain score, suggest that she takes deep breaths, reposition her pillows, return in 5 minutes to gain a comparative pain score.
D. Give her any analgesia she is due. If she hasn’t any, contact the doctor to get some prescribed. Also give her a warm milky drink and reposition her pillows. Document your action.

34. A patient has been confined in bed for months now and has developed pressure ulcers in the buttocks area. When you checked the waterlow it is at level 20. Which type of bed is best suited for this patient?
A. water mattress
B. Egg crater mattress
C. air mattresses
D. Dynamic mattress

35. What is positive fluid balance?
A. A deficit in fluid volume.
B. A state when fluid intake is greater than output.
C. Retention of both electrolytes and water in proportion to the levels in the extracellular fluid.
D. A state where the body has less water than it needs to function properly.

37. Why would the intravenous route be used for the administration of medications?
A. It is a useful form of medication for patients who refuse to take tablets because they don’t want to comply with treatment.
B. It is cost effective because there is less waste as patients forget to take oral medication.
C. The intravenous route reduces the risk of infection because the drugs are made in a sterile environment and kept in aseptic conditions.
D. The intravenous route provides an immediate therapeutic effect and gives better control of the rate of administration as a more precise dose can be calculated so treatment can be more reliable.

38. A patient has collapsed with an anaphylactic reaction. What symptoms would you expect to see?
A. The patient will have a low blood pressure and will have a fast heart rate usually associated with skin and mucosal changes.
B. The patient will have a high blood pressure and will have a fast heart rate
C. The patient will quickly find breathing very difficult because of compromise to their airway or circulation. This is accompanied by skin and mucosal changes.
D. The patient will experience a sense of impending doom, hyperventilate and be itchy all over.

39. When is the time to take the vital signs of the patients? Select which does not apply:
A. At least once every 12 hours, unless specified otherwise by senior staff.

B. When they are admitted or initially assessed.
C. On transfer to a ward setting from critical care or transfer from one ward to another.
D. Every four hours.

40. What are the principles of gaining informed consent prior to planned surgery?
A. Gaining permission for an imminent procedure by providing information in medical terms, ensuring a patient knows the potential risks and intended benefits.
B. Gaining permission from a patient who is competent to give it, by providing information, both verbally and with written material, relating to the planned procedure, for them to read on the day of planned surgery.
C. Gaining permission from a patient who is competent to give it, by informing them about the procedure and highlighting risks if the procedure is not carried out.
D. Gaining permission from a patient who is competent to give it, by providing information in understandable terms prior to surgery, allowing time for answering questions, and inviting voluntary participation.

41. What do you need to consider when helping a patient with shortness of breath sit out in a chair?
A. They shouldn’t sit out in a chair; lying flat is the only position for someone with shortness of breath so that there are no negative effects of gravity putting pressure on the lungs.
B. Sitting in a reclining position with the legs elevated to reduce the use of postural muscle oxygen requirements, increasing lung volumes and optimizing perfusion for the best V/Q ratio. The patient should also be kept in an environment that is quiet so they don’t expend any unnecessary energy.
C. The patient needs to be able to sit in a forward leaning position supported by pillows. They may also need access to a nebulizer and humidified oxygen so they must be in a position where this is accessible without being a risk to others.
D. There are two possible positions, either sitting upright or side lying. Which is used is determined by the age of the patient. It is also important to remember that they will always need a nebulizer and oxygen and the air temperature must be below 20° C.

43. On checking the stock balance in the controlled drug record book as a newly qualified nurse, you and a colleague notice a discrepancy. What would you do?
A. Check the cupboard, record book and order book. If the missing drugs aren’t found, contact pharmacy to resolve the issue. Make sure to fill out an incident form.
B. Document the discrepancy on an incident form and contact the senior pharmacist on duty.

C. Check the cupboard, record book and order book. If the missing drugs aren’t found the police need to be informed.
D. Check the cupboard, record book and order book and inform the registered nurse or person in charge of the clinical area. If the missing drugs are not found then inform the most senior nurse on duty. Make sure to fill out an incident form.

44. The following are signs & symptoms of hypovolemic shock, except:
A. Confusion
B. Rapid heart rate
C. Strong pulse
D. Decrease Blood Pressure

47. All but one, are characteristics of an ideal wound dressing:
A. Cost-effective
B. allows gaseous exchange  
C. Low humidity
D. absorbent

48. A 45-year old patient was diagnosed to have Piles (Haemorrhoids). During your health education with the patient, you informed him of the risk factors of Piles. You would tell him that it is caused by all of the following except:
A. Straining when passing stool
B. being overweight
C. Lack of fibre in the diet
D. prolonged walking

49. Which behaviours will encourage a patient to talk about their concerns?
A. Giving re assurance and telling them not to worry.
B. Asking the patient about their family and friends.
C. Tell the patient you are interested in what is concerning them and that you are available to listen.
D. Tell the patient you are interested in what is concerning them and if they tell you, they will feel better.

50. What is the difference between denial and collusion?
A. Denial is when a healthcare professional refuses to tell a patient their diagnosis for the protection of the patient whereas collusion is when healthcare professionals and the patient agree on the information to be told to relatives and friends.
B. Denial is when a patient refuses treatment and collusion is when a patient agrees to it.
C. Denial is a coping mechanism used by an individual with the intention of protecting themselves from painful or distressing information whereas collusion is the withholding of information from the patient with the intention of ‘protecting them’.
D. Denial is a normal acceptable response by a patient to a life threatening diagnosis whereas collusion is not.


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