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Basic Medical Abbreviations

The following are the Nurisng and Medical Abreviations useful for staff Nurse Recruitemnt Examination
1. abd -Abdomen
2. a.c.- Before meals
3. ADL -Activities of Daily Living
4. Ad Lib -As desired
5. ADM ( adm ) -Admitted or admission
6. AM ( am ) -Morning
7. amb -Ambulatory
8. ap Apical
9. approx. Approximetly
10. assist Assistance
11. ax Axilla or axillary / underarm
12. b.i.d. Twice a day
13. BM ( bm ) Bowel Movement
14. BP Blood Pressure
15. BRP Bathroom Privileges
16. c With
17. Ca Cancer

18. Cath Catheter
19. CBC Complete Blood Count
20. CBR Complete Bed Rest
21. cc Cubic Centimeter
22. CCU Coronary Care Unit
23. c/o Complaint of
24. CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitaion
25. C/S Culture and Sensitivity
26. CVA Cerebrovascular Accident, Stroke
27. dc ( d/c ) Discontinue
28. DOA Dead on Arrival
29. DON Director of Nurses
30. DR. Doctor
31. dr Dram
32. drsg Dressing
33. Dx Diagnosis
34. ECG ( EKG ) Electrocardiogram
35. EEG Electroencephalogram
36. ER Emergency Room
37. F Fahrenheit
38. FBS Fasting Blood Sugar
39. FF Force Fluids ( enouraage fluids )
40. fld Fluid
41. foley Urinary Catheter

42. ft Foot or Feet
43. gal Gallon
44. GI Gastrointestinal
45. h ( hr. ) Hour
46. H2O Water
47. H2 O2 Hydrogen Peroxide
48. H.S. ( h.s. ) Hour of Sleep
49. ht Height
50. ICU Intensive Care Unit
51. in. Inch
52. I & O Intake and Output
53. IV Intravenous
54. KG Kilogram
55. L Liter
56. Lab Laboratory
57. lb Pound
58. liq Liquid
59. LLQ Left Lower Quadrant
60. LMP Last Menstrual Period
61. LPN Licensed Practical Nurse
62. lt Left
63. LVN Licensed Vocational Nurse
64. LUQ Left Upper Quadrant
65. meds Medications
66. MG Milligram
67. MI Myocardial Infarction
 ( Heart Attack )
68. mid noc Midnight
69. min Minute
70. ml Milliliter
71. NA Nursing Assistant
72. neg Negative
73. nil None
74. no Number
75. noc Night
76. NPO Nothing by Mouth
77. O2 Oxygen
78. OB Obstetrics
79. OD RT eye
80. OJ Orange Juice
81. OOB Out of Bed
82. OR Out of Bed
83. OR Operating Room

84. Ord Orderly ( male Nursing Assistant )
85. OS LT eye
86. Osteo Bone
87. OT Occupational Therapy
88. OU Both eyes
89. Oz ( oz ) Ounce
90. PAR Post Anesthesia Room
91. p.c. After meals
92. PCP Patient Care Plan
93. Peds Pediatrics
94. per by, through
95. PM ( pm ) Afternoon
96. Pneumo Lung
97. p.o. ( per os ) By mouth
98. post – op / ( post op ) Postoperative
99. pre-op / ( pre op ) Preoperative
100. prep Preparation
101. p.r.n. When necessary
102. Psych Related to Psychology
103. Pt ( pt ) Patient
104. PT Physical Therapy
105. q Every
106. q.d. Every day
107. q.h. Every hour
108. q2h, q3h, ect… Every 2 hours, every 3 hours, ect…
109. q.h.s. Every night at bedtime
110. q.i.d. Four times a day
111. q.o.d. Every other day
112. R Rectal Temperature
113. RLQ Right Lower Quadrant
114. RN Registered Nurse
115. ROM Range of Motion
116. RR Recovery Room
117. rt Right
118. RUQ Right Upper Quadrant
119. RX Prescription
120. S/A Sugar and Acetone
122. Spec ( spec ) Specimen
123. SSE Soap Suds Enema
124. ss One half ( ½ )
125. STAT ( stat ) At once, immediately
126. Sub-Q Subcutaneous
127. Surg Surgery
128. tbsp Tablespoon
129. t.i.d. Three times a day
130. TLC Tender Loving Care
131. TPR Temperature, Pulse and Respirations
132. tsp Teaspoon

133. U/A ( u/a ) Urinalysis
134. VS ( V/S, vs ) Vital Signs
135. WBC White Blood Cell Count
136. w/c Wheelchair
137. wt Weight
138. UNG Ointment
139. TWE Tap Water Enema
140. Tab Tablet
141. Supp Suppository
142. RBC Red Blood Cell Count

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