MOH Exam Sample Question Answers-2020
1,The commonest C.V.A. is ?
A, cerebral hemorrhage
B , cerebral thrombosis
C, Cerebral embolism
D , cerebral spasm
2,Vitamin need for the healthy Visibility ?
A, vitamin D
B , vitamin B
C, vitamin C
D , vitamin A
3,RH factor can produce ?
B , erythroblastosis fetalis
C, turners syndrome
D , sickle cell anemia
4,pulse pressure is ?
A, diastolic pressure
B , systolic pressure
C , difference between diastolic and systolic pressure
D , pressure in pulmonary veins
5,The PH of fresh urine is about ?
A, 7.1
B , 5
C, 8.4
D , 9.9
6,Removal of gall bladder in man could lead to ?
A, impairment of fat digestion
B, impairment of digestion of protein
C, jaundice
D, increased acidity in intestine
7,Loss of appetite, gastrointestinal disorders and muscular weakness are the deficiency symptoms of ?
A, vitamin A
B , vitamin B
C, vitamin C
D , vitamin D
8,Largest gland in human body ?
A, liver
B , thyroid
C, pituitary
D , none of the above
9,Oedema is due to ?
A, increased permeability of capillary walls
B, reduced return on lymph
C, increased capillary pressure
D, All of the above
MOH Staff Nurse Exam Questions
A, vitamin A
B , vitamin B
C, vitamin C
D , vitamin D
8,Largest gland in human body ?
A, liver
B , thyroid
C, pituitary
D , none of the above
9,Oedema is due to ?
A, increased permeability of capillary walls
B, reduced return on lymph
C, increased capillary pressure
D, All of the above
MOH Staff Nurse Exam Questions
10,Blood vessel in which the oxygen content is highest in the fetus is ?
A, aorta
B , umbilical vein
C, pulmonary artery
D, inferior vena cava
A, aorta
B , umbilical vein
C, pulmonary artery
D, inferior vena cava
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