KEA Staff Nurse- Nursing Officer Exam Model Questions Part 5
56. Which of the following is not a side effect
of salbutamol ?
(A) Muscle tremors
(B) Sedation
(C) Palpitation
(D) Nervousness
57. Which is the drug of choice for severe &
complicated malaria ?
(A) Quinine
(B) Artesunate
(C) Primaquine
(D) Chloroquine
58. Antidote for heparin is
(A) Protamine sulphate
(B) Vitamin K
(C) Aminocarpoic acid
(D) Aminodarone
59. The values of Correlation Coefficient varies
(A) –0.5 to +0.5
(B) –0.75 to +0.75
(C) < –1.0 to < +1.0
(D) None of these
60. The constant presence of a disease or infection within a given geographical area is called -
(A) Sporadic
(B) Epidemic
(C) Endemic
(D) Pandemic
61. Koplik's spots are clinical feature of -
(A) Chicken pox
(B) Pertusis
(C) Cholera
(D) Measles
62. Which of the following is is not constuent
of vital statistics?
(A) Birth rate
(B) Morbidity & Mortality rate
(C) Educational rate
(D) Life expectancy
63. Route of administration of PPD for
Tuberculin Test is-
(A) SC
(B) ID
(C) IM
(D) IV
64. The first referral level in the health care system is -
(A) Primary Health Care
(B) Secondary Health care
(C) Tertiary Health Care
(D) Premordial Health Care
65. Housefly is responsible for spread of -
(A) Diarrhoea
(B) Dysentary
(C) Cholera
(D) All of these
66. When did the Mental Health Bill became
Mental Health Act ?
(A) 1912
(B) 1985
(C) 1987
(D) 1990
67. A freshly prepared ORS solution should be
used within -
(A) 24 hours
(B) 48 hours
(C) 12 hours
(D) 06 hours
68. Ripeness of cervix is assessed by -
(A) Bishop score
(B) Apgar score
(C) Downe score
(D) New ballard score
69. Uterus is palpable at the level of symphysis at -
(A) 8th week
(B) 10th week
(C) 12th week
(D) 14th week
70. Normal duration for involution of Uterus is -
(A) 2 weeks
(B) 4 weeks
(C) 6 weeks
(D) 8 weeks
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