* The incidents of schizophrenia is very high in
a) Normal child
b) Uniovular twins
c) Bi ovular twins
d) None of the above
* How can you recognize a mentally ill person
a) Rowdy, violent
b) Anxiety, tension
c) Abusive, homicidal behaviors
d) All the above
* The branch of medicine which deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness.
a) Psychology
b) Sociology
c) Psychiatry
d)None of the above
For more Questions visit www.questionpapersdownload.com
a) Normal child
b) Uniovular twins
c) Bi ovular twins
d) None of the above
* How can you recognize a mentally ill person
a) Rowdy, violent
b) Anxiety, tension
c) Abusive, homicidal behaviors
d) All the above
* The branch of medicine which deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness.
a) Psychology
b) Sociology
c) Psychiatry
d)None of the above
For more Questions visit www.questionpapersdownload.com