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Basic Nursing Knowledge- For Staff Nurse Recruitment Exam -Part 2

1. Which of the following IV fluids is prescribed to increase intravascular volume, replace immediate
blood loss volume and increase blood pressure?
Basic Nursing Knowledge- For Staff Nurse Recruitment Exam -Part 2 (A) 5% dextrose in lactated Ringers Solution

2. Umbilical cord consists of
 (B) 2 arteries and 1 vein

3. Phases of counselling does not include
 (C) Imagination

4. When performing chest compressions on an adult in CPR, the sternum should be depressed for at least
 (C) 1½ to 2 inches

5. Peg cells are seen in
 (D) Fallopian tubes

7. Soiled waste can be disposed by which method ?
 (A) Incineration

8. What is the normal score in Mini Mental status examination?
 (A) 25–30

9. The reason for urbanization is
 (D) Industrialization

10. Which is the most appropriate time of IUD insertion ?
 (A) During or within 10 days of menstruation

11. Fatty acids can be transported into and out of cell membrane by
 (B) Facilitated transport

12. Which of the following might help the pregnant client to overcome first–trimester morning sickness?
 (A) Eat dry crackers before arising

13. The position of the uterus is
 (B) Anteverted & anteflexed

14. Rational behind play therapy is
 (A) Sensorimotor & Intellectual development

15. The amount of sperm present in seminal fluid is
 (A) 100 million/ml

16. Asymmetrical enlargement of the uterus when there is lateral implantation, is called as

 (B) Piskacek's sign

17. Which committee is also known as Health Survey and Development Committee?
 (A) Bhore committee

18. What do you mean by incidence ?
 (A) New cases of any disease

19. IMNCI means
 (D) Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness

20. Yellow colour is the coding for
 (D) Human Anatomical waste, Animal waste, Biotechnological waste & Soiled waste

21. ORS means
 (A) Oral Rehydration Solution

22. The stage of disease cycle in which signs and symptoms are noticed:
 (A) Incubation period

23. Indian Lunacy Act was enacted in the year
 (A) 1912

24. A study that examines data collected in the present:
 (C) Descriptive research

25. A nurse is planning care for a postpartum client who had a vaginal delivery 2 hours ago. The client had
a midline episiotomy and has several hemorrhoids. What is the priority nursing diagnosis for this client

26.treatment for hyperventillation: have patient hold one nostril; try to reduce patient;s stress/panic; purse-lipped breathing
 (A) Acute pain
27.standards of care: legal guidelines for defining nursing practice and identifying the minimum acceptable nursing care

28.treatment for MI: stent angioplasty or balloon; thrombolytic therapy- breaks clot apart; M-morphine, O-oxygen, N-nitrates, A-aspirin

29.treatment for PAD: Statins- help metabolize cholesterol; Crestor, Lipitor- muscle pain, leg pain, cramping, diarrhea

30.stage 3 ulcer: epidermis, dermis, and subQ tissue; oozing, signs of infection; full thickness loss

31.stage 3 PAD: rest pain
32.sterilization: complete elimination or destruction of all microorganisms including spores

33.Types of pain: acute, chronic, cancer, by inferred pathology, idiopathic

34.unstable angina: spontaneous pain

35.uremic syndrome: increase in nitrogenous wastes in the blood

36.urinalysis: pH; protein; glucose; ketones; blood; specific gravity; WBCs; bacteria

37.stress incontinence: usually in women who didn't do kegels during labor

38.swine flu: H1N1; person to person transmission; touching infected surfaces; nose/throat culture; vaccine

39.symptomatic infection: when the infection has signs and symptoms like fever, cough, etc

40.tamaflu: stops flu virus multiplication; increases risk for self injury; take within 48 hr of onset

41.teaching: interactive process that promotes learning

42.transpersonal communication: persons spiritual domain; higher power; prayer, meditation, guided reflexion

43.stage 4 PAD: necrosis/ gangrene; loss of oxygen to toes > toes fall off/ need to be removed

44.stage 4 ulcer: full thickness loss; can see organs/ bones; very painful

45.stage 5 of sleep: 20-25%; REM; brainwaves speed up and dreaming occurs; increased heart rate; rapid and shallow breathing

46.treating CHF: upright position, high semi fowlers; nitrates- vasodilate coronary arteries and myocardium (dizzy feeling, hypotension); Lasix- diuretic/ urine output; oxygen- when pulse ox. under 95%; ACE inhibitors- Vasotech, Nosinopro (check BP before admin, low potassium or under 60 bpm hold); Digoxin- slows heart rate; apical pulse before admin; nausea and vomiting; toxic if stays in blood for too long; cardiac glycocide- increases contraction, slows heart rate, increases CO and oxygen in blood; decrease fluids to 1500ml; decrease salt to 2000-3000mg; test dig level, ABGs, potassium

47.treatment for atherosclerosis: decreased cholesterol intake; smoking cessation; blood work; exercise

48.treatment for hypoventillation: if narcotic based, reduce/ discontinue; stroke- high fowlers/ oxygen; other meds to increase breathing

49.treatment for pulmonary emboli: prevention- anticoagulant therapy; thrombolytic therapy; surgery to remove thrombus

50.stage 4 of sleep: 12-15%; very deep sleep; rhythmic breathing

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