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1. What assessments should the practical nurse make initially to determine Mr. Hodory Prakash D'souza  level of consciousness?
1. Visual fields
2. Response to cold
3. Auditory acuity
4. Responses to painful stimuli 

Answer: 4. Responses to painful stimuli 

2. What should the practical nurse do initially for an elderly client who is suddenly shivering,
reporting chills and has a temperature of 38.2 o C?
1. Cover the client with a blanket. 
2. Change the client’s clothing and bed linen.
3. Provide cool, circulating air.
4. Begin oral hygiene procedures.

Answer: 1. Cover the client with a blanket. 

3. The practical nurse returns from break to find that the status of two clients has changed. The practical nurse now needs to assess their vital signs every 15 minutes and administer several stat. medications. In addition, a third client requires insulin. In evaluating this situation, what should the practical nurse conclude?
1. The present workload is unrealistic for the practical nurse to manage.
2. The practical nurse should administer the insulin first to free time to attend to the clients who are acutely ill.

3. The practical nurse needs to reprioritize the care plans for each of the clients.
4. The practical nurse does not have enough knowledge to manage this situation.

Answer: 1. The present workload is unrealistic for the practical nurse to manage.

4.What should the practical nurse do to encourage Mr. Chidananda to feed himself?
1. Assist him with positioning the cutlery in his hands.
2. Allow sufficient time for him to cut up his own food.
3. Suggest that Mrs. Lowry take him to the cafeteria.
4. Arrange food items on his tray so that he can see them.

Answer: 4. Arrange food items on his tray so that he can see them.

5. What should the practical nurse do to facilitate a client’s acceptance of an altered body image following a total laryngectomy and tracheostomy?
1. Emphasize what the client can do within the limitations resulting from the treatment.
2. Encourage the client’s family to refrain from discussing the tracheostomy while visiting.
3. Reassure the client that following discharge there can be a complete return to prehospitalization activities.
4. Demonstrate a sympathetic approach when providing the client’s tracheostomy care.

Answer: 1. Emphasize what the client can do within the limitations resulting from the treatment. 

6. At 22:30, Mrs. Pavithra Gowda telephones the Emergency Department because her 5-month-old daughter has had an axillary temperature of 39.5 oC since 07:00, is vomiting and is very sleepy. What should the nurse do?
1. Suggest to Mrs.Pavithra Gowda that she give her daughter a tepid bath and administer acetaminophen (Tempra).
2.Suggest to Mrs. Pavithra Gowda that she withhold dairy products and give her daughter a bottle of boiled water.
3.  Ask Mrs. Pavithra Gowda to take her daughter’s temperature again and call back immediately.
4. Ask Mrs. Pavithra Gowda to withhold medication and come to the emergency department right away. 

Answer: 4. Ask Mrs. Pavithra Gowda to withhold medication and come to the emergency department right away. 

7. What clinical manifestation should indicate to the practical nurse that a client is in the early stage
of pyrexia?
1. Increased thirst
2. Shivering 
3. Decreased pulse and respiratory rates
4. Flushed, warm skin

Answer: 2. Shivering 

8. Mr. Kushalappa Gowda regains consciousness and is found to have loss of movement on his left side and hemianopsia. How should the practical nurse respond to Mrs. Lowry when she asks questions regarding her husband’s potential for recovery?
1. “It sounds as though you may be somewhat anxious to resume your former lifestyle.” 
2. “It’s difficult to know, but most people take at least a year to recover completely.” 
3. “Concern about recovery is common. Rehabilitation takes time and progress is often slow.”
4. “To be anxious is normal. Unfortunately, there is no way of estimating your husband’s recovery potential.”

Answer: 3. “Concern about recovery is common. Rehabilitation takes time and progress is often slow.”

9. What manifestation would indicate to the practical nurse that Mr. Padma Gowda is experiencing mild hypokalemia? 
1. Anorexia 
2. Elevated blood pressure
3. Muscle spasms 
4. Bradycardia 

Answer: 1. Anorexia 

10. What device should the practical nurse use when administering an oral liquid medication to a 6- month-old infant? 
1. A disposable dropper
2. A disposable syringe 
3. A plastic teaspoon
4. A plastic medication cup

Answer: 2. A disposable syringe 

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